Sculptor Gutzon Borglum and His Famous Presidential Sculptures

September 29, 2021

Mount Rushmore is one of the most recognizable monuments in the United States. The enormous faces of four of our most influential presidents are carved on the face of a granite mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mount Rushmore attracts more than two million visitors each year. They come to celebrate the achievements of the American presidents, admire the craftsmanship of the giant statue, and learn a bit more about American history. 

Colorized photograph of artist Gutzon Borglum's model of Mouth Rushmore. (

Just before visitors enter the Avenue of the Flags leading to the viewing area, there is a small statue, a bust really, of Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor and mastermind behind Mount Rushmore. Borglum is often overshadowed by his own creation. Let’s look at the life of Gutzon Borglum, the artist behind Mount Rushmore. 

A Love of Art

Gutzon Borglum (

The son of immigrants from Denmark, Gutzon Borglum was born in remote Bear Lake, Idaho, in early 1867. The family didn’t stay in Idaho long. They moved around quite often, living in Utah and then Nebraska. Although Borglum showed an interest in art from an early age, he didn’t have an opportunity for formal art training until he was well into his teens. When he was enrolled in a private high school in Kansas, he was finally able to learn artistic techniques. His training was short lived. His family moved once again, this time to California. Borglum graduated from high school and took a job as a lithographer’s apprentice.