The Horrors of Early Dentistry

August 31, 2021

Seems like he knows what he's doing. (library of congress)

No one likes going to the dentist but compared to the dark ages of plaque possess, the mouth magicians of today are godsends. Sure, you might feel some mild discomfort. Maybe even a few seconds worth of what resembles pain at your next appointment. However, “pales in comparison” doesn’t begin to describe the difference between dentists today and say, 80 years ago. Professor Joanna Bourke once wrote, “Agonizing toothache, horrifying extractions, and barbaric tools have cast a large shadow over our dental past.” Honestly, that barely begins to describe the horror the first “dentists'' inflicted. This article will make you cherish your own dentist and the year you were born.

Look like fun? (Getty)

Appreciate Your Dentist

The dentists of Victorian England or the Old West might as well have been using machetes when measured against the space-aged technology of today. Back then purveyors of oral care were considered skilled laborers like a carpenter rather than highly trained doctors. Conditions slightly improved around the Industrial Revolution, thanks to things like dental schools and proper tools but you’d still define it as cruel and unusual punishment today.