Thor, A German Shepherd Messenger Dog, With Marine Handlers, 1943

June 5, 2021

Man’s best friend, even in the unlikeliest of scenarios, never ceases to amaze. Whether our furry friends save their parental counterparts from burning buildings or simply know the days of the week, dogs appear capable of anything!

Shown here with his two Marine Trainers is Thor, five year old German Shepherd messenger dog who was donated for war service to the Marine Corps by James Beplat(Ahmet Asar)

 Nevertheless, the history of canines in warfare can still boggle the mind. Especially, when you consider the seemingly endless litany of roles they have fulfilled, dating all the way back to 600 B.C! From messenger dogs to medics, ammunition carriers, and scouts, pooches performed more duties in warfare than you probably ever knew.

From Ancient Egypt To WWI

Sgt. Stubby rocks his great coat and rifle during World War I. (PublicDomain)

While a Lydian king may have been the first to found a bow wow brigade, using them like fur missiles, World War I marked the first modern example of the animals in warfare. German Shepherds were specifically bred for war by Captain Max von Stephanitz of the German Army. After a successful trial period with the German police, they amazed soldiers on both sides with their heroic acts in uncompromisingly dire situations.