War Pigeons, WWI's Vital Messengers

April 18, 2022

You’ve heard of warplanes and probably even warhorses, but war pigeons?! That’s right! During World War I, both the Allied and Axis powers utilized messenger pigeons to a shocking degree. During the first global engagement over 100,000 messages were sent via pigeon; an astounding 95% of those crucial dispatches reached their intended target!

Pigeons actually played a vital role during WWI. armedforcesmuseeum

It might seem insane but in the early 20th-century communication technology had not advanced to the point where the military could reliably count on new-fangled inventions like the telegraph or the telephone. Therefore, the French suggested homing pigeons. While the U.S power was circumspect, they were willing to give their feathered friends a chance. Here’s the history of messenger pigeons during WWI.

Critical information that saved lives was often transferred via pigeons.

History Of Messenger Pigeons

Obviously, the history of winged rodents being employed goes back to biblical times. By WWI the United States military had mostly given up on the concept. Americans had used them in previous engagements but ran into issues with hawks. Nevertheless, the French insisted, claiming that “Pigeons…can work regularly, and in spite of bombardments, dust, smoke or fog, can bring accurate details concerning the situation of the troops.”