60 Eerie Declassified UFO Photos From The '60s and '70s

October 27, 2022

"There's A Creepy Spaceman Behind My Daughter"

UFOs sightings happen fairly frequently (at least according to UFO sighting witnesses), but in the 1960s and '70s, alien crafts were spotted almost every week throughout America and the rest of the Western world. The rise of inexpensive photography equipment helped witnesses make a better case for their sightings, and often these photos were able to provide evidence that an eyewitness testimony just can’t offer. But in many cases of UFO encounters witnesses are either too awestruck to take action, or technology just doesn’t work. These are just a few of the most exciting stories of UFO sightings from the 20th century. 


While this isn’t technically a UFO sighting, it’s still a super weird incident. In 1964, fireman and amateur photographer Jim Templeton took a series of photos of his five-year-old daughter while they spent the day at Burgh Marsh. 

He claims that there was no one else there with them, but the photos seem to tell a disturbingly different story. A figure wearing a white jumpsuit is clearly visible, standing behind his daughter. Templeton insists that he didn’t notice the entity until he received the photos, and despite various theories to what the creature could be, no one’s ever been able to debunk the Spaceman. 

A cigar-shaped Venusian interplanetary carrier photographed through a 6" telescope over Palomar Gardens, California

source: Corbis

Taken by George Adamski, this photo of an alleged Venusian flying saucer was taken in the California desert. In his 1955 book Adamski claims that he went on board the Venusian scout ship and flew to a massive shop floating over earth before going on a ride around the moon.