Rare Photos So Chilling We Can't Look Away

November 8, 2023

Mormon polygamists at the Utah Penitentiary, 1889. ☠️

Thanks to modern technology, we can now get an even more accurate view of the past via colorized photographs. Prior to the 1970s, most photographs were shot using black and white film. While these images are important tools to help us understand the past, we can get even more details from photographs that have been digitally colorized. For the first time (well, the first time in a long time), we can see the rich and colorful world that our ancestors lived in. This collection of colorized photos shows us that world. 

Credit: @madsmadsen.ch

In 1845, Mormon leader Joseph Smith was attacked and murdered because of his extreme religious views. His followers, under Brigham Young as their new leader, migrated to the wilds of Utah in 1847 where they hoped to practice their unorthodox beliefs in seclusion. One of the Mormon beliefs that ruffled a lot of feathers was polygamy. When Utah applied for statehood, there was a condition to its acceptance into the union – a ban on polygamy had to be added to the state constitution. Utah was granted statehood on January 4, 1896, and afterward, men with more than one wife could be arrested for the crime of polygamy. 

Walter Layman and his friends with their dogs, 1927. Walter was a freelance photographer who traveled the United States with his dog, Pocahontas. 

Credit We the People Restoration & Colorization

What a life! Freelance photographer, Walter Layman, shown here with his faithful companion, a dog named Pocahontas, as well as some human friends and their pooches, traveled all around the United States taking pics of the American way of life. Layman, who was born in Covington, Kentucky, in 1871, grew up in the Cincinnati area. An artist by nature, Layman dabbled in painting, designing, and illustrating before settling on photography as his medium of choice. He honed his craft by studying at the Cincinnati Art Academy, the Art Student League of New York, and even the American Art Association of Paris.