The Dark Side of History: Shocking Photos You've Never Seen Before

December 22, 2023

A member of the Queen's Guard Sentry getting charmed at the Tower of London in 1953.

You've heard that a photo is worth a thousand words, but photos like the collection here have stories with so much more to say. These pictures give an insight into what life was like in eras as disparate as the 18th century and the 1970s. You'll see what life was like for a kid in America during the baby boom, and how the Native people of America lived long before the modern metropolis existed. These rare historical aren't just informative, they're a fun look at a time long gone, and maybe a time that you wish you could go back to. Prepare to be astonished and read on!You've heard that a photo is worth a thousand words, but photos like the collection here have stories with so much more to say. These pictures give an insight into what life was like in eras as disparate as the 18th century and the 1970s. You'll see what life was like for a kid in America during the baby boom, and how the Native people of America lived long before the modern metropolis existed. These rare historical aren't just informative, they're a fun look at a time long gone, and maybe a time that you wish you could go back to. Prepare to be astonished and read on!

Source: Pinterest

Most people only know a couple of things about the Queen’s Guard: that they wear big furry hats and that they’re not allowed to smile on duty. While on duty the guards are meant to be unflinching in the face of whatever comes their way, be it inclement weather or fiesty locals that scream in their faces. But even the most steadfast guards can’t keep a straight face when they’re dealing with a character this cute. Who wouldn’t be charmed by a munchkin like this? Even if they’re trained to take it to guard the queen at all costs. 

Author William S. Burroughs with his Jack-O’-Lantern that he carved with a hatchet, 1996.

Source: Reddit

How would you feel if you looked out your window and saw William S. Burroughs and his hatchet digging into this pumpkin before Halloween? If you were familiar with Burroughs’ work, you wouldn’t be shocked. He was a wild man with an avantgarde sense of humor and a penchant for using weapons. In the last year of his life Burroughs was especially into his weapons, he often went target shooting on a farm with fellow gun enthusiasts or practicing throwing a knife into a board propped up against the little garage before having his daily vodka and coke at 3:30 in the afternoon.